Friday, May 9, 2014

How Facebook Makes Us Unhappy

An interesting article written based on study conducted in Michgan, Ethan Kross a psychologist from the University of Michigan makes a statement that Facebook and other social media sites actually makes users feel lonely and unhappy. In a case where he observed eighty plus people in Ann Arbor, Michigan, he concludes that sites like Facebook can in fact make us more depressed feeling and lonely because we innately compare our lives to other people, their accomplishments and their achievements, we can’t help but become addicted to checking out what other people are doing and then feeling bad because our lives just don’t compare.

      Again, parents of young children and even older children, it’s very important to limit, discipline and control the computer time at home. Spending so much time on social media sites isn’t good for our kids minds. As a society we’re already in fragile and vulnerable states of mind. Letting sites and technology play off our sadness and loneliness from what’s happening in the real world, is not healthy for anyone. Take a closer look at your family and home life and enjoy the company of each other instead of resorting to looking down at screen when you’re missing the life that’s happening right in front of you. 

(image via google, article via new yorker)

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